

  • 1983-12-07
    Events SAR Symposium
    The 10th Symposium of Structure-Activity Relationships (Dec. 7-8, 1983, Kyoto)
  • 1982-11-25
    Events SAR Symposium
    The 9th Symposium of Structure-Activity Relationships (Nov. 25-26, 1982, Toyohashi)
  • 1981-10-08
    Events SAR Symposium
    The 8th Symposium of Structure-Activity Relationships (Oct. 8, 1981, Kyoto)
  • 1980-12-12
    Events SAR Symposium
    The 7th Symposium of Structure-Activity Relationships (Dec. 12, 1980, Tokyo)
  • 1979-09-06
    Events SAR Symposium
    The 6th Symposium of Structure-Activity Relationships (Sep. 6-7, 1979, Osaka)
  • 1978-08-26
    Events SAR Symposium
    The 5th Symposium of Structure-Activity Relationships (Aug. 26, 1978, Osaka)
  • 1977-12-03
    Events SAR Symposium
    The 4th Symposium of Structure-Activity Relationships (Dec. 3, 1977, Kyoto)
  • 1976-09-11
    Events SAR Symposium
    The 3rd Symposium of Structure-Activity Relationships (Sep. 11, 1976, Osaka)
  • 1976-01-17
    Events SAR Symposium
    The 2nd Symposium of Structure-Activity Relationships (Jan. 17, 1976, Osaka)
  • 1975-05-10
    Events SAR Symposium
    The 1st Symposium of Structure-Activity Relationships (May 10, 1975, Kyoto)